Hello Blogging World!

Wow! I can't believe I have officially entered the blogging world. I am so excited to begin this new adventure. For the past 11 years I have been a teacher and I have to say that I have learned so much from reading great blogs and networking with awesome teachers. I can't wait to begin to share some of my ideas and some fantastic resources I have found along my journey. As teachers I think we sometimes feel like our lives are consumed by things that distract and take away from the most important part of our jobs...teaching and motivating our students...this is where the title of my blog and TpT store came from. There are not enough hours in a day and dollars in a teacher's bank account to complete everything we would like to do for our students. I hope to continue to grow as an educator and help more teachers find ways to step away from the "pencil sharpener"and give them some of their time back! I have just started on "bloglovin"... Follow my blog with Bloglovin

1 comment:

  1. Very cute blog design!! I just started my blog this summer as well and I found my blog designer on etsy too!!! I wanted something different than what everyone else has.
    Teaching with a Twist


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